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Agile ABC
The little agile ABC Today, hardly any company can ignore the topic of “agility”. And that’s...
Scrum vs. Kanban
The agile methods Scrum and Kanban: What is the difference? Scrum and Kanban are methods used in the...
What is Design Thinking?
Design Thinking: Definition & origin Design Thinking serves the elaboration of solutions and ideas...
What is User Story Mapping?
The Definition of User Story Mapping User Story Mapping is a technique used to visualize requirements...
The agile principles in practice
Agile Principles: One of the most important foundations The agile principles are among the most important...
Agile and remote work
Remote Work has never been more important than today But even before the COVID-19 crisis, remote work...
Agile mindset
The influence of digitalization on your company Our world is becoming increasingly fast-paced, digital...
7 success criteria of an agile transformation
7 success criteria of an agile transformation
Definition of agile transformation “Agile transformation” – nowadays companies can hardly ignore these...